What type of Survey Do I Need?
Types of Survey
The RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) introduced new survey standards from 2021 and defined three levels of home survey.
Level 3 Home Survey (Full Building Survey)
Level 2 Home Survey (Homebuyer Report)
Level 1 Home Survey (Condition Survey)
At Bradley Jones Associate we do not offer the Level 1 Home Survey, which according to the RICS are intended for "modern dwellings in satisfactory condition" and offers "no advice on repairs or ongoing maintenance".
Property Characteristics
The type of survey you need, depends on the age, size and complexity of the property. Unless the property is relatively modern, of simple construction, unaltered and anticipated to be in good overall order, we would always advise that a Level 3 Home Survey is your best option. The RICS define as a "detailed assessment of the property" to "suit any domestic residential property in any condition depending on the competence and experience of the RICS member".
If you need any further help, give us a call.
Types of Property
1960s and 70s
A level 2 or 3 report could be appropriate, depending on the type of construction, the size and past alterations

Post War 1945 - 50s
A level 2 or 3 report could be appropriate, depending on the type of construction, the size and past alterations

Flats and Apartments
A level 2 or 3 report could be appropriate, but check what is included in the inspection, particularly the communal areas and externals of the property which may affect your lease charges.

1980s - Modern
A level 2 or 3 report could be appropriate, depending on the size and complexity

Pre-war and Older
The RICS recommends Level 3 surveys for pre 1930 buildings.

Listed Buildings
Older buildings require the surveyor to have appropriate knowledge of traditional buildings and sympathetic repair. Bradley is RICS conservation accredited and an SPAB scholar.